Employee Benefits

In today’s competitive employment market a well-designed benefits package is essential to attract, retain and reward high quality talent.  We focus on designing attractive benefit plans which enable your business to offer market leading solutions.

Global Programs

Experience in arranging global programmes, and mature relationships around the world, are an essential of insuring the modern business.

Tech & Innovation

We have developed a flexible ‘full service’ proposition for today’s technology businesses, and commit to continually innovating our solutions for our clients’ evolving needs.


It is important that the insurance a modern business buys represents its challenges in the marketplace, as opposed to a traditional insurance package.

Charities & Care

Societal change brings new and enhanced challenges to the charity and care sectors, requiring specialist insurance advice.

Tender requirements

There are two key parts to any tender for insurance broking services. Firstly, the selection of the best broker for your organisation. Secondly, choosing the correct combination of insurers to create the optimum cover/cost outcome.

In selecting your insurance broker you will want to focus upon:

  • Deep knowledge of your sector
  • Who exactly will deliver advice after the tender, and what access will you have to them
  • Who will deliver service to you, and what confidence do you have in them
  • Peer references at an early stage
  • Risk management services in the areas you have concerns about – such as safeguarding 

In selecting your insurer(s) you will be more interested in:

  • Claims paying ability and claims service
  • Broad policy wordings which can be bespoked to you
  • Confidence they understand the risk transferred to them
  • Price


Broker tenders are normally carried out separately to insurer tenders, and as a result may fall below the financial thresholds of OJEU type arrangements. 

Your chosen broker would run the insurer tender on your behalf.