Employee Benefits

In today’s competitive employment market a well-designed benefits package is essential to attract, retain and reward high quality talent.  We focus on designing attractive benefit plans which enable your business to offer market leading solutions.

Global Programs

Experience in arranging global programmes, and mature relationships around the world, are an essential of insuring the modern business.

Tech & Innovation

We have developed a flexible ‘full service’ proposition for today’s technology businesses, and commit to continually innovating our solutions for our clients’ evolving needs.


It is important that the insurance a modern business buys represents its challenges in the marketplace, as opposed to a traditional insurance package.

Charities & Care

Societal change brings new and enhanced challenges to the charity and care sectors, requiring specialist insurance advice.

Cyber Security Risk

We have all, as organisations, come a long way in a short time in understanding the risks from cyber threat to reputation, ability to deliver service, and capacity to generate income.

In 2019, Innovation Broking clients were exposed to various cyber security risks including:

  • An attempt to obtain money transfer to a similar bank account by phishing, or by the criminal already being “inside” a trusted party’s system
  • Systems being frozen and only unlocked by paying a ransom
  • The data of one organisation being being illegally obtained via a breach in a supplier’s system – with the organisation being held responsible for personal data being exposed
  • A service provider suffering a prolonged downtime that impacted ability to operate or raise funds.

There are two key mitigation strategies that all organisations should follow, irrespective of  size:

  1. Inculcate a culture of cyber risk awareness, honesty and good governance. Large organisations should have a cyber risk committee chaired by somebody outside the line management of the CTO. Smaller organisations should consider an external cyber readiness audit. 
  2. Work with a specialist insurance broker to ensure that your organisation is protected via:
  • 24-7  first responder help in planning how to react to a breach – including legal, forensic, PR, equipment sourcing, credit-monitoring, setting up a BitCoin account to pay a ransom
  • An insurance package that addresses the costs you may have in:
      1. Notifying, and any subsequent liability to, people whose data has been compromised
      2. Extra expenses and ransoms
      3. PR costs
      4. Loss of income
      5. Liability to those whose data has been breached

Innovation Broking partners with specialist cyber management consultants particularly for threat assessment, trustee/boardroom briefings, phishing training and penetration testing.

If you want to discuss how your cyber security and dependency interact with cyber insurance please contact us today or see Cyber and Data Breach.