Societal change brings new and enhanced challenges to the charity and care sectors, requiring specialist insurance advice.
In today’s competitive employment market a well-designed benefits package is essential to attract, retain and reward high quality talent. We focus on designing attractive benefit plans which enable your business to offer market leading solutions.
Experience in arranging global programmes, and mature relationships around the world, are an essential of insuring the modern business.
We have developed a flexible ‘full service’ proposition for today’s technology businesses, and commit to continually innovating our solutions for our clients’ evolving needs.
It is important that the insurance a modern business buys represents its challenges in the marketplace, as opposed to a traditional insurance package.
Board Level Insurance Services
Innovation Broking is an independent commercial insurance broker. We provide corporate insurance broking services for companies and organisations seeking a knowledgeable and expert board level partnership
Specialist expertise across a number of sectors
Specialist expertise across a number of sectors
We have developed a flexible “full service” proposition for the demands of today's businesses - and commit to evolving and innovating insurance services for the benefit of our clients.
Innovation Broking brings together insurance entrepreneurs, with experience in small, medium and the very largest of insurance brokers. We believe this perspective truly differentiates us, and gives you real value.
Innovation’s founders boast many years' experience advising the Tech, Private Equity, Venture Capital, Leisure, Health, Life Science, Professional and Financial Services, Manufacturing and Distribution sectors
"Insurance and related risk issues are rarely addressed at board level as a standing item - and they should be, especially for Directors liability. We recognise the need to focus tightly at board level, and this is at the centre of Innovation's value proposition".
Howard Pearson, Development Director, Innovation Broking
Insurance and business risk awareness is a complex issue requiring a deep understanding of law, finance, regulation and supply chain, intermixed with high level management and leadership skills.
We will help firms improve their controls to better manage the ever-more detailed understanding of risk required by new legislation. Our services are designed to mitigate such exposures.
"Innovation Broking is built on the uncomplicated, but often elusive notion, of providing companies and organisations with board level advice on risk management and insurance broking services."
Paul Dickson CEO